
The New Zealand College of Midwives (the College) is the professional organisation for midwives and student midwives in New Zealand. (www.midwife.org.nz). The College represents more than 3500 members and works in partnership with maternity consumer groups such as Plunket, Parents Centre New Zealand, the Home Birth Association and La Leche League to ensure high quality maternity services in New Zealand.

As part of our New Zealand midwifery world, we also have Nga Maia Midwives of Aotearoa NZ, a predominantly Maori Midwifery organisation. Nga Maia is a national body that represents and empowers Maori birthing in pregnancy and childbirth.

The College sets and actively promotes high standards for midwifery practice and assists midwives to meet these standards through involvement in midwifery education and the Midwifery Standards Review process. The New Zealand College of Midwives Central Region comprises of four regions: Hawkes Bay, Palmerston Nth, Horowhenua (Levin) and Whanganui.

There are approximately 300 members to this region. These four college sub-regions hold regular meetings for members. See the sub regional profiles. There are committee members for each region and contact details are on this website.

Each region has its own elected office bearers, i.e. Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Midwifery Standards Review Panels and Resolution Committee members. We are committed to supporting women and families and midwives to receive and provide quality care for their pregnancy journey.